Jun 13, 2024

Are You (Really) Ready to Buy a Home? If Not, It's OK...and Here's Why

Are You (Really) Ready to Buy a Home? If Not, It's OK...and Here's Why
Written with Nate Watson, Summer 2024 Financial Planning Intern

Navigating the decision between renting and homeownership can feel like a daunting task, especially when being nudged by societal pressures. Yet, the truth is, buying a home isn't always the optimal choice, both financially and personally. At Narwhal, we understand that the path to homeownership should be paved with careful consideration, ensuring it aligns with your unique circumstances and aspirations. The purpose of this deliverable is not to discourage homeownership. In fact, we think homeownership is a wonderful thing and are willing to help everyone who aspires to own a home. Still, it’s important to explore why readiness matters and why it's perfectly acceptable if homeownership isn't the right fit for you at this moment.

Biases and Assumptions: Homeownership is often surrounded by various biases and invisible scripts, which can shape our perceptions and decisions. Oftentimes, these biases make renters feel as if they’re not living up to their potential. It’s crucial to recognize that depending on your financial circumstances, it’s perfectly OK to go either route.

The "American Dream" Bias: Homeownership is often seen as a key milestone in achieving the American Dream, symbolizing success.

Renting is "Throwing Money Away"

Homes are Always a Good Investment: The belief that property values consistently appreciate.

Stability and Security

Social Status: Owning a home is often associated with elevated social status and prestige.

Before you go through with purchasing a home, it’s essential to ask yourself some critical questions and ensure that you truly are ready.

Here are some guidelines and things to think about:

What will your cashflow look like:

Have you done research into the comparative costs of your current living situation (renting)?

Have you made a personalized list of pros and cons?

Do you have enough money saved up for a 20% down payment?

Will this be my home for the long haul or is it simply an investment?

Finally ask yourself: Am I excited about buying a home?

If you think you’re fully prepared after answering all these questions, then go for it! If not, then it’s OK to continue renting and working towards that next step. The best things in life, such as owning a home, don’t always happen instantaneously. Try your best to find peace in your current situation as you pursue your ultimate goal. Keep in mind all these considerations are on a case-by-case basis and we are happy to help and offer guidance when purchasing a home based on your needs.

“How Much Does It Cost to Furnish a House? (2024).” HomeGuide, homeguide.com/costs/cost-to-furnish-a-house.

“Rent Statistics U.S. - Reports and Trends: Self Inc.” Reports and Trends | Self Inc, Self Financial, 8 Mar. 2024, www.self.inc/info/rent-statistics/#:~:text=Key%20statistics,-Renters%20account%20for&text=In%20the%20U.S.%2017.2%20million,people%20aged%2085%20and%20older.

Ross, Sean. “Has Real Estate or the Stock Market Performed Better Historically?” Investopedia, Investopedia, www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/052015/which-has-performed-better-historically-stock-market-or-real-estate.asp.

“S&P 500: $100 in 1992 → $2,257.50 in 2024.” S&P 500 Returns since 1992, www.officialdata.org/us/stocks/s-p-500/1992#:~:text=Stock%20market%20returns%20since%201992,%2C%20or%2010.12%25%20per%20year.

United States House Price Index Yoy, tradingeconomics.com/united-states/house-price-index-yoy#:~:text=House%20Price%20Index%20YoY%20in,FHFA%20House%20Price%20Index%20YoY.

Melissa Dotson, CFP®, CSLP®

Financial Planning Associate

Melissa came to Narwhal in the summer of 2018 following the completion of her master’s degree in financial planning from the University of Georgia, where she also earned her bachelor’s degree in consumer economics. Her interest in the field started with learning about consumer behavior, specifically its relation with complex moneymaking decisions. Melissa recently received her CFP® Certification in January 2021. Working with a CFP® professional can help you find the path to achieving your financial goals. Your goals may evolve over the years as a result of shifts in your lifestyle or circumstances such as an inheritance, career change, marriage, house purchase , or a growing family. Melissa is here to help you through that process. When she’s not working, Melissa enjoys cycling, cooking, and spending time with her beagle and two nieces.

Let’s start the conversation.

At Narwhal Capital Management, you’re more than just a portfolio, and it’s not all about the numbers. Let’s start with a meeting about your needs and future goals.